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D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sat May 03, 2014 9:39 am

Well here we are again these events seem to be going well. :woo:
Here is the next event D-Day landing.
Date 7th and 8th June.
You use Books Overlord and Atlantik wall. (only these 2 books)
Mission hit the beach.
Total war.
We will be charging a fee but there will be a prize for the winning team.
More details to follow
So we need to know who playing.

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sat May 03, 2014 11:20 am

Very much up for this, can certainly bring a German fortress list, could probably bring a British assault list (need to check on that).

Either way, will make a note and be there


The full Total War rules will make things interesting, especially the overall commanders and ability to adapt your force somewhat (air dominance etc), does suggest a level of forward planning is needed, but if done right will be very good (as last years was).

Do suggest not changing ends at half time though and if time allows either re-running the game or having a follow up a bit further in land (Goodwood or Cobra maybe?)

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sat May 03, 2014 4:13 pm

Be up for that chaps...welsh list or para... :D

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sat May 03, 2014 6:11 pm

Had a quick draft of a 1,750pts list...

it has 15 infantry teams in it, including the command teams. :shock:

Does have a couple of lumps of concrete with the occasional bit of sharp wire and things that are best not stood on though.

Will have to make a few more defences me thinks.

As a force goes it is somewhat lacking in mobility, deploys within a circle 16" across and is highly likely to stay there.

Given the number of British attackers we have at Jancos I went with the Sword Beach list, so its only a single defensive platoon. indeed the entire 1,750 point list is only two platoons :shock: Still it will make that bit of the board somewhere best avoided, and has a few toys for the rest of the deployment as well..

Like over 13' of razor wire... and 4' of minefields (could go to 6' of mines with this list :mrgreen: )

Worth having a think on force sizes in advance of the game, so we can actually have some defences this time and not what amounts to a normal game just on a beach.

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sat May 03, 2014 8:27 pm

Got a bunker an gun pit...on place mats of course.. :o

A destroyed village ...loads of terrain ..

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Sun May 04, 2014 8:23 pm

Have a few bunkers and whatnot on order, plus a bit of razor wire to coil up and make my defences look slightly more scary than sticks in the ground. Will mean I can also do a list for Omaha beach as well as Sword beach.

Seriously suggest a bit of thought for this one in advance.

Wonder on setting the table up a bit like the last game, have the wider bit the beach, with a short stub of sea to place reserves etc in, this allows an 8' wide beach as we had last time but provides a long section 'inland', thinking is to put a canal across one of the 4' bits.. with a bridge and allow some air landing troops as well. German reserves thus able to be cut off, the objectives for the air landing troops and the beach assault troops being separate, similar locations but the two forces unable to secure each others - so the air landing guys have a bridge to secure and the secondary task of delaying or stopping the German reserves from getting to the beach and the beach assault guys have the objective of punching in land.

Also avoids the 'artillery park' from last year being viable without stuff to defend it, but a small gun emplacement with a platoon or two is viable, and something else for an air company to go for.

Thinking we have a couple of British parachute players now so may as well give them something to do. If they cannot stop the tanks they can stand aside and let them pass (or have two bridges, they need capture only one) the Germans can decide to remove the airborne or reinforce the beach but will struggle to do both. Also avoids the whole game being in a 12" deep strip and uses more of the boards making the team game structure easier.

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Tue May 13, 2014 6:44 pm

I have been giving this game some thought and after reading some suggestions I have a few idea that should make the game run a little smoother then our other big games, and help avoid the artillery parks/landing zone blood baths/reserves not getting into the game sort of things happening.

I will have a chat with the boss and see what he thinks about them.

If at all possible I would like to try and do a practice game with a few people before the big day to iron out any kinks, so if any one is up for it let me know and lets see if we can sort a day out to do it.

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Tue May 13, 2014 7:33 pm

I am totally against this proposed period of planning and refining.
Most un Janco.

Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Tue May 13, 2014 8:16 pm

Well worth a try, I think part of the issue is the "hit the beach" and air drop scenarios are designed for normal sized games, Very much think its worth using the "total war" scenario and just lifting the special rules from the smaller ones.

+1 on try it out first in smaller games, avoid the decision to drop right on top of the enemy and be left unable to recover weapons... technicalities of course.


Re: D-Day landing 7th and 8th June Event

Tue May 13, 2014 11:27 pm

I can do Ze Germans.
Would be good to do a brief campaign.

Airdrops, key objectives and rule to try to get Armoured reserves released.

I have had some great games of VBCW with totally unbalanced lists rather than pointed fair fight.
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