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Sat 24th August

Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:58 pm

Will bring in my scraped together 300 point 6mm list for Impetus and some Lart and DBA stuff.

Re: Sat 24th August

Sun Aug 18, 2019 8:50 pm

Aim to be down, will have the 300 point 6mm stuff with me, plus DBA (as its easy to move)

Re: Sat 24th August

Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:57 pm

Thanks Dale

They were enjoyable games, we seemed to get the hang of the basics.

Was very nasty when my fast moving cav force got out manoeuvred by the not so plodding legions.

Re: Sat 24th August

Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:22 pm

Baldie wrote:Thanks Dale

They were enjoyable games, we seemed to get the hang of the basics.

Was very nasty when my fast moving cav force got out manoeuvred by the not so plodding legions.

Was fun, see the main post though as we got a few bits wrong, seems combat with multiple enemy units is a lot nastier.

Them buggers of yours are seriously nasty though, massed javelins are brutal. Need to adapt my force to either be able to chase of enemy cavalry better or have a better screen and learn how to actually use it
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