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Re: Sat 22nd - Annual Xmas Apoc

Sun Dec 23, 2018 6:09 pm

Baldie wrote:1. Did Scott cheat
2. Did James turn red and mutter at his dice
3. Did anyone say stupid flyers
4. Did girlyman peer around his cover and say I will be right behind you
5. Did Longy look at Big Paul and say how much plasma.
6. Did the stick insect jump around the table imolating units each turn whilst the other side hoped his legs fell off.
7. Did Keirons stuff look great.
8. Are there new dice shaped holes in walls
9. Did Jimmy's war hound get to shoot anything
10. I know Dale didn't loose half his force on turn one
11. Did everyone have a fab time
12. Did I get hammered in Swinton the night before.

I know the answer to 12 and can guess a few more

Guessing my lot performed marginally better than usual...

cold mostly gone, nose a bit like a running tap still though. Should be back to business as usual shortly though.

Re: Sat 22nd - Annual Xmas Apoc

Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:22 am

Baldie wrote:1. Did Scott cheat - he tried!
2. Did James turn red and mutter at his dice - ofc
3. Did anyone say stupid flyers - nah, mostly killed by turn 2
4. Did girlyman peer around his cover and say I will be right behind you - hid behind a ruin all game
5. Did Longy look at Big Paul and say how much plasma. - terms not plasma
6. Did the stick insect jump around the table imolating units each turn whilst the other side hoped his legs fell off. Only turned up for one turn
7. Did Keirons stuff look great. - wussed out
8. Are there new dice shaped holes in walls - nah
9. Did Jimmy's war hound get to shoot anything - yes, but did Fork all
10. I know Dale didn't loose half his force on turn one
11. Did everyone have a fab time - of course, even if we all nearly got poisoned by toxic smoke
12. Did I get hammered in Swinton the night before.

I know the answer to 12 and can guess a few more
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