A place to post a brief introduction to yourself and the games you play, currently, previously or are just interested in
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Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:22 pm

I'm Keiron but I'm sure most of you know me by now....I'm the one who usually loses but does have pretty models....

I play:

Warhammer Fantasy

Dwarfs (technically Rhonda's)
High Elves (technically Rhonda's)
Beastmen (work in progress)
Empire (work in progress)
Orcs n Goblins (to be resurrected at some future date)

Deadzone - plague and Rebs - need to get some games under my belt if anyone's interested

X-wing - just starting out - waiting for some more pennies

Also got:

Space Hulk ( just ask - always willing to bring it down)
Dreadball - only played a couple of times - anyone want to teach me to play properly
Dropzone Commander - not unboxed it yet
Dreadfleet - also still boxed...
Cutlass - fantasy pirate skirmish game, hoping to build up a couple of factions to allow people to play
Loka (ok so technically it's Rhonda's)

Interested in starting Batman game too.
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