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Finally have a gaming table...

Sat May 03, 2014 7:15 pm

After all these years, I finally have a gaming table... well sort of


6' folding table, shown here with one MDF board on it, trip to B&Q on Monday to get two more then I have a 6' x 4' table. Pic shows the sum total of my 15mm terrain, there are a few more woods but not happy with the bases which work better for 28mm so starting them again.

Table is fantastic, about £35 plus a tenner postage, ordered Thursday turned up yesterday evening, didn't even order the express delivery :shock:

Nice and sturdy, folds in half with the legs inside it, think a pasting table but one thats flat and doesn't wobble.

Ordered from Amazon of all places, a damn sight easier than trying to make one as well.

Boxes in the background from where we still haven't unpacked form moving... the rodents love climbing on them.
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