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The fort

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:45 pm
by Baldie
Picked up a great fort at recon for a bargain bin price, needs a little tarting up and unless I really am too stupid to put it together there may or may not be a single piece missing.

Still looks easy enough to make one bit.

Think it is 20mm really but it will do for 15mm HC etc and also M&T and SAGA

Loving it.

Re: The fort

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:47 pm
by Baldie
After a little R&D and def not playing with my toys on the bedroom floor it appears the original creator was a genius.
It can go together in several combinations using all the pieces makes one massive fort but leaving out sections allows you to make square or rectangular forts with additional defensive angles around the gate.
My 28mm M&T stuff actually sit on the walls ok to fire over them, maybe have to crouch down if shot back at, the 15mm Romans also look really at home.