Leopards WiP

Incomplete masterpieces, what are you currently working on?

Re: Leopards WiP

Postby Baldie » Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:23 am

Nice as ever
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:04 pm

Yoof is about, and wanted a diorama to stick some of his 1:48 scale Afghanistan stuff on..

He brought a bit of board to stick it on, I got a few bits of cork, sand etc and so far this is what we have


Two small buildings, one as a garage or workshop, the other will be a shop of some sort with an awning added to the front, space in front of the road is flatfish so vehicles can be sat on it.
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:30 pm

And Alex's display board, finished, reasonably generic in terms of what age period its set in, came out pretty nicely.


Finally found somewhere to use that huge woodland scenics rock face mould as well.

Almost tempted to do some 2nd Afghan war stuff as buildings like this are seriously easy to make.
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby Baldie » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:10 pm

Looks champion.
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:49 pm

Have taken a week off from painting tiny Soviets to paint something a different colour, first up a bit of work in progress.


La Belle Alliance, by Sarrissa Precision, bought to see what their 28mm buildings are like and this was cheap. Roof is removable, the brickwork needs the mortar washing a buff colour and the roof tiles on the other side need layering but otherwise pretty much done.

Not a bad little kit, took about 30 mins to build it, primed a tan colour then the walls airbrushed white, the rest is brushwork.


Close up, with figures for scale, its actually a decent sized building which would work nicely for skirmish games, or to represent something like a coaching in for a larger scale game.

Then on to this weeks little project.


Napoleons's Old Guard, regiment in march column, waiting the flag being added and the bases detailed but otherwise done, Vitrix miniatures, about half the price of Warlord and twice as nice, about half have separate arms hence able to have a good few who are not in bolt upright poses - box of 60 for £22.50... whats not to like?

Have enough for the second regiment and a command group - which provides an actual usable unit for Black Powder, or a good bunch for Sharpe Practice.


Close up of the officer and drummer. Really pleased with how the blue came out, dark Prussian blue, highlighted with Prussian blue.

Movement trays on order, models based on pennies.

Back to the Soviets...
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:40 pm

Ordered a few models for Pulp Alley, these are from the "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" ranges by Artizan and Copplestone, very crisp models with minimal cleaning up and best of all no assembly beyond basing them.

Based here on 15mm steel discs for a low profile base.

Only a few have names currently, there is a background brewing which I'll post when these are done.


Mooks, six of, with SMG, because no self respecting corporation will not have a few armed employees knocking about. The colours are based in reality, this is the scheme an old employer of mine used, though sadly they didn't let me have an SMG to play with.

These are basically done, though the leatherwork needs highlighting a deep brown and as with all of these models the faces need more work.


Tribe May, Agent Trixie May in fact.

The cause of much thinking on what colour to paint her top and skirt, then I remembered the Magenta and the beautiful Sunset Red bought for Donna's Araknorock, and that decided it.

Even painted her nails, not that you can tell.


As yet unnamed scientist.


Dr Crement, with an unnamed cat, obviously perfect for an evil genius


Unnamed field agent, open to suggestions on a colour for his scarf


Jeremy, because one look and all I could think of is Clarkson, hence the jeans which need fading


Another unnamed field agent.

These were bought with Pulp Alley in mind, before the thoughts of an African theme came about, they are probably bit too modern but they are perfectly usable, may also get hold of 7TV at some point at which point these are also perfect for that. Aim is to have a semi random collection of nice models that can be used for a whole range of games.

There remains a bit of blending to do on most of the clothing to soften the transitions, and as you can see the faces need a lot of work, can't see actually painting the eyes as its just a bit beyond my abilities, but will do something with them. Bases obviously need work as well, they will be left pretty simple with two options being considered, the first is a flat brown as you can see highlighted lighter brown then a sandy colour, the second has a bit of green for a grassy look over the brown. Think the green will look better but the brown is a better for urban and rural locations.

Really enjoyed painting them though, just a nice break from ickle Russians.
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby Jimmy » Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:49 pm

I have first edition 7tv which I always wanted to give a go, but never got round to it.

2nd edition is out now...
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby Dropshort » Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:43 pm

They look great, and I'm sure we could do pulp allay with them easey enough. No one days we have to stay in Africa.
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:09 pm

Oh I'm sure they can be sent to Africa.. ;)
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Re: Leopards WiP

Postby leopard » Thu May 05, 2016 8:32 pm

Ended up with an urgent need for some terrain...

This is for Campaign this weekend who were short on terrain, now solved so I'm on the reserve list and the panic is over..

I can just about do a single FoW table, nothing amazing but better than empty carpet, however it could do with tarting up a bit, but needed tarting up quickly.

Figured the easiest thing to do was replace the bits of felt that pass for roads.

So a quick job with a knife, some bits of cork floor tile and a trip to B&Q for a bit of green paint (they sell emulsion called 'Tank Green' if you credit it, never seen a tank that colour though), few dabs of PVA and some static grass later and we have..


Simple, but serviceable, to the left the urban roads in a basic grey, they still need more work, thinking a wash of dilute poster paint then a dry brush as they are too light.

Really need to do some hills but no chance of them being ready for the weekend, and currently no space to sort them.

Nice break from painting models to actually make something.

As the evidence behind shows, much tea was also consumed.
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