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Army painter quickshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:14 am
by GuEsTy
Ok, I hear about this stuff all over the place. Is this stuff just gunna do the same job as some of these washes I have? Currently got the nuln citidel one and a serpia one. I ask because I'm not the best painter nor do I have the inclination to devote tons of time to it - I'm more for the gaming half of the hobby - and anything that might make my life easier when it comes to painting could be worth looking at. So, is this stuff just like these washes???

Re: Army painter quickshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:08 am
by virusoverload
I've not used it but from what I've seen it does work like the washes but it is glossy. When you dip a model you need somewhere to shake it off otherwise it will pool the colour quite bad. And hang the mini upside down some how so the shadows settle in the right place.

Re: Army painter quickshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:25 pm
by leopard
It's basically a tinted varnish, brush on don't dip much less messy.

It's oil based and stinks.

It's 'ok' but not amazing, will blend a bit of dry brushed highlighting, can get better effects pretty easily without it.

Basic oil wash for example.

What it is though is fast, base colours, slight highlight, brush that on then 48 hours later spray with Matt varnish and done. Good for horde armies