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An Ungentlemanly Act

Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:48 pm

In 1982 a small unpopular government was saved by a war with a country far away...

Model for Wings at War from Tumbling Dice, just the stuff from the starter set on my home made flight stands (1" square of plastic, a steel pin and a bit of magnetic tape).

Royal Air Force

Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm

Argentine Air Force


Group Hug

All single part models, seems to be a reasonably simple set of rules as well, tenner for the above and for the rules inlcuded.

Don't have the Super Entendard or Vulcan, or indeed any of the helicopters and other various aircraft for some of the mission victory conditions but can do the basics.

Re: An Ungentlemanly Act

Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:05 pm

Would love a game of this

Re: An Ungentlemanly Act

Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:02 am

Plan is to bring them up mid March, they don't exactly need masses of space to store as they are tiny, will need to make a few of the ground objective markers but this is not going to be hard (coloured felt basically) and a few movement templates which also won't be too hard to make from bits of plastic.

Looks pretty simple to play, aircraft have a d6 sat next to them for kinetic energy rating,each aircraft has a minimum (below which it risks stalling) and a maximum (above which it risks breaking up), you spend these KE points to move, with various movements having a cost - you must spend all of them, otherwise you stall. In effect climbing slows you down, diving speeds you up so you cannot fly at max speed then dive, you need to brake a bit first.

Fire arcs are the width of the base directly ahead for cannons, missiles a bit wider, couple of types of missiles as well. All D6 based, quirk being a flight of aircraft all use the fire arc of the leader so can gang up reasonably quickly.

Various effects on firing, interesting one for cannons being that a roll of a 1 typically means you have both miss, and only have enough ammo left for one more burst - crew quality cuts into this.

For a nine page (a5 as well) rules booklet that has the rules, stats, diagrams and the scenario it looks decent, also looks quick to play especially with the starting forces I have.

Wonderful victory system as well meaning the forces need not be balanced - you bring what you want, then a percentage of the cost of your force becomes your victory point target, so bring more and you have to do more and risk against a much smaller enemy not actually being able to win, so its about brining the smallest force you think you can score points with (shooting down aircraft and striking ground targets - ships for the Agentine and the runway at Stanley for the British - I don't have the models for the exocet and ground supply missions as yet)

Have the WW2 version, essentially the same, though with not as many missles or afterburners, but more aircraft types and a WW1 version for which I have yet to make the models (or indeed work out which model is actually which)

Re: An Ungentlemanly Act

Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:18 pm

Since I have Bag the Hun I figured the jet version "Fox 2" was worth a look, sadly lacks stats for the harriers but has the skyhawk and mirage, should be possible to get the stats drafted up though as the game seems pretty basic and I have an idea what the loadouts need to be.
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