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Leopard's 15mm Normans

Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:52 pm

Figured as I was toying with the lighting stuff would take a few pics of the 15mm Normans bought for DBA but likely to end up in HC.

First up, spears, two bases

Archers, two bases

Light Horse, one base

His Generalship

Knights, 4 bases - an actual unit


There are also two bases of crossbow skirmishers, painted but without paint on the bases so no piccies of them.

Unfinished there are also another four bases of knights, tempted to get another of the DBA armies for this lot as that gives me a start on the army with a unit each of spears and archers, a small unit of light horse and four units of knights plus some skirmishers and two commanders, a legal division, though not enough for two.

Nice models, these painted with layers and look nice but painting the horses takes ages, or at least it feels like it does.

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:16 pm

They look great, I love 15mm figs.

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:58 pm

Have the rest of these guys on the list for over the holidays, can also bulk out the spears using the Welsh guys I have is still not a legal force as they have to have the majority as knights..

Love 28mm models for the way they are amazing when painted, but 15mm is sooooo much more practical for actually gaming with.

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:36 pm

Gods was it really 2014 when I last touched these guys..

Explains the dust at least, well today I dug out the balance of this little force, cleaned them a bit and finished painting the horses and based the riders.

This will provide another four bases of knights (8 total) and a base of cavalry to sit alongside the rest of them...

So what do we have and what do we need?

List III/52 shows:

1x General (3Kn)
3x (3Kn)
3x (3Kn or 4Bd)
2x (3Kn or 3Cv)
2x 3Bw or 4Sp or 3Ax)
1x (3Bw or 2Ps or 3Cb or 7Hd)


Just need the bases for the knights and cavalry and its usable, if inflexible.

To get a bit more flexibility need to get hold of 3x sword & board guys to use a 4Bd, another cavalry base, 2x Axe & board bases, perhaps a few more cross bows as an actual base the "horde" unit appeals

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:22 am

Looking forward to em finished.
Poss prefer to face them than the Welsh, poss.

Trying not to get a Dark Age force as I have far too much stuff but my Brits can stand in as Welsh/Irish/Caledonians who have found some pretty paint.

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:03 pm

ordered a bunch of bases and worked out whats needed to get all the DBA3 options, then about twice that to get a force that should work for HC and LDG as well (mostly through needing one base of something where a pack gives two, or three packs give four or eight).

Likely order closer to the end of the month though, but the bases should arrive later this week or early next week by which time this lot should be varnished and ready to rock

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:04 pm

now painted, just waiting the bases and matt varnish once based

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:19 pm

Well the guys have had their first outing.

Essex now have DBA 3 armies as complete packs if anyone is interested, typically the pack is enough to field any legal combination from the list.

Ordered another batch for the army though, not a DBA pack but a pick & mix to provide a few more bits aiming at LDG and HC, will give me in total

2x mounted command stands (1 new)
13x knight stands (4 new)
1x cavalry stand
1x light horse stand
9x heavy spear stands (8 new)
1x medium spear stand (easy used as the second rank behind a heavy spear)
4x dismounted knights stands (all 4 new)
2x archer stands
2x crossbow skirmisher stands

For Hail Caesar, provides two commands, one with three mounted knight units, one of infantry with two spear and one dismounted knights, then some assorted rabble.

Hopefully enough for a small LDG force with the required 4x knights & 4 spears, then some optional units to go with them, no idea on points though.

Note enough for DBM yet though as thats 18+ knights...

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:07 am

Whats the current version of DBM we thinking of using

Re: Leopard's 15mm Normans

Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:34 am

Lart 200 points force is something like the below. Thaasands of different options though

William Brilliant Strategist
6 x Med Knights, 3 are elite
This is a very nasty force in the Dark Age

Commander Competent
6 x Med Knights
This is the other hammer

Commander Ordinary, he ain't expected to do much fancy stuff
4 x Heavy Spear
4 x X Bow
These boys occupy the center and can dish it out close up and at range

You may want to drop some knights and add some LH scouts etc as they add to your initiative roll which if you win gives you more terrain choice so more likely to get a nice flat plain. Even dropping one wing of knights in favour of more foot troops is still a decent force

Def tempted to get the Russ when War and Empire bring them out
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