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Re: Chaos!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:48 pm
by leopard
Following a few comments on Dakka about the marines looking flat (correct, they do) I've taken the raptors a bit further, gloss varnish then a black/brown oil wash, then when dry a light rub down.


Has added some depth, need to let this fully cure for a few days then varnish again to seal it and then some brushed highlights on the gold to make it pop.


So easy to apply, just lather it on, once dry it rubs off leaving just in the recessed areas.


Helmet of the dead pink marine had the same treatment, as has the white areas - only the plasma green was left unwashed.


Seems to have worked, easy to do as well.

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:26 pm
by Irongut
Looking good chief that red looks ace

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:16 pm
by leopard
Chaos sorcerer, Terminator armour



He has friends but they are not yet finished.

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:33 pm
by leopard
Few more items for this lot..


Land Raider, as with all the vehicles in this update its unweathered as yet


Pair of Rhinos, paint differs slightly


Rhino #1, gold is airbrushed, the red is brush painted, it works but its not excellent, it also took an age


Rhino #2, this time the red is also airbrushed, single coat, much faster - the basic scheme is varied slightly to help with the masking, also some painting as sub assemblies.


Knight Errant, not technically part of the army, and the colour scheme is slightly different but will likely run alongside them on the few occasions he gets used - this model has a lot more to do on him though.

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:36 pm
by leopard
Had these three loitering for a while, got round to taking pictures of them finally..

Exalted Sorcerers of Tzeench




Nice models, these haven't had the oil wash applied, I'm not 100% they need it

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:25 am
by Baldie
The poses on the sorcerers look great as well, fantastic sculpts.

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:16 pm
by leopard
A grand day out today, first real outing for the nutters under 8th, apart from the launch day events.

Three formations, the first being a Bastion & defence line, with two units of 12 cultists to man them - aim being a defensible fire base and reasonably safe rear area.

Naturally I forget that meant cultists were manning the defences weapons.. umm.. yeah.. anyway

the cultists were each part of the other two formations

First up we have an actual chaos space marine unit, my two infantry formations, only one rhino though, with a pair of chaos lords as they are decently cheap.

Then a Thousand Sons detachment using my 30k models, Ahriman, a sorcerer and two units of rubric marines who I hoped would do decently well, plus a predator as I've got one painted

2k in all, for not a lot of actual models

Then we sore Dave's IG force...

Four Leman Russ, thankfully just the basic ones with heavy boaters on the sides, occurs to me as I write this he never fired the hull gun all game. Backed up by a triplet of basic Guard squads... and a Baneblade, and a wyvern mortar

Mission twist was to have two sets of objectives, ended up with a pair of objective, capturing both of which is an instant win.. um.. yeah my lot can't much four tanks and a super heavy in a month of Tuesdays, and his lot were not really mobile enough. Second one was four objectives granting 1VP each a turn - five turns, most VP wins.

My mob ended the game with a Lord in "retreat" at a rapid pace, a sorcerer hiding behind a ruin on an objective and a single unit of cultists in the bastion, trying to work out how to work the weapons (Icarus las cannon did zip all game, quad gun put a few wounds on a tank though), all seemed lost - except we have more VP...

You see we advanced, a squad of CSM managed to push a tank off an objective for a turn before they go minced - this earned me a point on a turn it robbed Dave of a point - by the time he worked out what was going on there wasn't enough time to advance and return the favour though he certainly had the firepower.

IG Casualties.. a few guardsmen, and thats about it other than some paint scrapes on a few tanks.

Oh so glad the mission wasn't to kill stuff...

Re: Chaos!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 8:16 pm
by leopard
Assembled a unit of 8 berserkers, have another two, and may be able to cobble a couple more but 8 seems nice for Khorne stuff, thinking of a small detachment of World Eaters, they apparently have a nice legion trait of +1 Attack on the charge which for chain axe lunatics seems fun - they lack backpacks though, but to be honest look half decent without them so such things can wait, colours will be the same as the AoS chaos stuff I did a while back which was fun to paint.

Have a part painted Lord from DV who can become their HQ, and enough standard CSM unbuilt for a second unit of eight, or more likely two units of five, get hold of a second HQ and its a pretty cheap "Battalion" Detachment, apparently 8 berserkers, a lord and Khan in a Rhino is a bus full of fun