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Campaign 2014 Results

Sat May 10, 2014 7:27 pm

Campaign 2014, Flames of War Team Event, Icon centre, Daventry. 10th & 11th May 2014

Part of team: HMS Brain (I have no idea where this name came from), the third division team from the MKWS club.

My lists are in the FoW forum Basically a :soviet: Strelkovy Battalion and a :german: Mittlere Panzer Company.

Day One Results:
Game One
Scenario: Hasty Assault
Opponent: New Zealand Rifle Company, 2 Maori Platoons, Character commander, 2x 5.5" guns, 4x heavy flak guns, 2x 40mm flak guns, 4x armoured 25pdr, armoured cars etc.
Result: 2-7 defeat to the New Zealand force, my panzers ran into a blender, first turn we moved into position, fired (needing 6's to hit), missed, Enemy return fire removed on panzer platoon, crippled the other and kept the Panzer II hiding behind a hill.

Turn two reserves arrived, attempted a flank march and were removed, this pretty much sealed the game as I now had no panzer forces left worth speaking of and a pair of flak half tracks and pair of 8-rad were not going to win the game alone.

Ouch, ended turn five when my army broke and ran, only survivors the panzer IIF and a single panzer IV.

Game Two
Scenario: Breakthrough
Opponent: German armoured panzer grenadiers, 2 platoons, 2 flame half tracks, a pair of 8 rad, a pair of NW41 launchers and then a pair of tigers..

Result: 5-4 win to me
Couldn't really hurt the tigers, well in theory we could but not really in practice. He reserved a single armoured grenadier platoon to outflank and tried to run the rest along the back of the board to come across through one of my platoons - His plan, not a bad one, was to roll over the Soviet infantry with the tigers who the infantry had no answer to.

I nailed the flame half tracks and 8 rads on my first turn, along with one of the half tracks, the rest hid behind a wood for a bit, his tigers did ok, but he realised he was killing three or four teams a turn and advancing about 6". Kept moving very carefully to avoid my ZiS-2 getting a shot at them. His NW41 were left behind and easy prey for some infantry to assault, the reserves arrived, and the KV-1 had them for lunch. In effect the tigers were ignored, they had a few shots at them that did as expected, nothing beyond make them cautious. Removed the company around them then just waited for him to fail a check. Sadly I had lost one Strelkovy company and my mortars.

Everything worked pretty much as expected, tigers hard to hurt, but nothing else could really get close to my lot.

Game Three
Scenario: Pincer
Opponent: Confident Trained Panther Company, [i]8 panthers[/8] and limited air support and umm thats it.

Result: 5-4 win to me
Got a bit lucky here, a cautious advance from the panthers worried about flaking shots and my ZiS-2 in ambush, they assaulted one of my Strelkovy companies, I managed to bail one and the rest fell back so one down. The 2iC branched out on his own the other side to "keep you honest", the ZiS-2 got him, enemy now down to six panthers, no CiC or 2iC as they were the ones I nailed.

Slightly careless advance left me get a barrage of flank shots on one platoon removing it. the Other two went to chew on my mortars, figured it would stalemate at some point, panthers (now just two of them, the mortars got one in assault when the panthers got cocky). Threw all we had left, again one Strelkovy and the mortars dead, plus two Kv-1 dead, the remainder advanced, managed to bail one of the panthers with the last KV-1 in the flank at range (lucky) the Katyusha finally worked out which end of the rockets went were and bailed the other forcing a motivation test - they failed the last survivour broke.. after some 20 turns we had them.

Day one Summary: 2 wins and 1 defeat, Not sure where the team finished up as my stamina broke and I needed food so will see tomorrow, I think 3rd or 2nd maybe in the division (of four).

Onwards to day two...
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