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Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:25 am
by Baldie
If things get tense just shout Waaaagh and laugh a lot even when being massacred, not that it will happen of course.
My opponent and his French old guard were particularly disturbed by this when my Russian cavalry brigade went on the rampage.

Ps not sure you have made a wise choice with Russians and Germans in one box, you don't want a truce breaking out again between Petrov and Haans

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:59 am
by leopard
Game one: attacking a CT moto strelkovy in fighting withdrawal... Lost 5-2, rubbish dice but even so didn't have the shots after half the tanks died turn two..

Haans doesn't like T26, Bolokov wants lots of them.

Piccies later

Army broken but didn't run for a 16:5 overall, could have been worse, least we got one of his tank companies

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:00 am
by Baldie
Petrov likes T26's
Main reason my list has 40 odd tanks is cos thirty odd are likely to die

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:02 pm
by leopard
Game two, defending against Finns in free for all with Russians. 4:3 win with enemy breaking, both sides utterly shattered but amazingly close game

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:55 pm
by leopard
Game three, another close one, defending in Cauldron against Imperial Japanese infantry who decided to attack at night.

Bolokov decided stuff that for a game of soldiers and decided he would defend the objectives from the enemy deployment areas, as such the enemy didn't get more than 16" onto the board all game and was confined to the corner they deployed in.

Indeed on turn 2 we hit them, hard, lost 14 teams doing it, but took out 12 of theirs. They only had some 22 infantry, plus six tanks, and two pairs of guns. 14 wasn't even half of the main Strelk blob, who the Japanese attacked further on their second turn after we fell back - that turn and the one that followed it saw my large strelk blob removed from the table, fighting to the last man, but in doing so taking down two Japanese infantry platoons, and four tanks - in close assault leaving the two survivors leaderless...

Pics later but the game was amazing, in effect one Strelk blob v the whole Japanese army, the second blob mopping up what was left for a 5:2 victory with only one platoon destroyed.

Opponent said after the game he saw my first turn of movement as an advance to force him to fight out, he never expected me to actually assault, and certainly never expected me, the defender, to do the majority of the attacking.

Said after it was his choice to attack at night that killed him, yes it meant I couldn't hit him, but with rifle teams and him being veterans I could hardly hit him anyway, what it meant was it was very hard for him to hit me and allowed me to approach in reasonably safety, and once I showed I was willing to attack he had no choice but to fight to the death.

Great fun.

Will sort some pictures later.

Going into day two somewhere mid table out of the 10 players

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:15 pm
by Baldie
Cracking result in turn 3 the old orc in you just never dies.

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:31 pm
by leopard
Rollcall 2016 - Game One

In which Haans takes 2. Panzer on the offensive against a Confident-Trained Motostrelkovy Battalion in the little known deserts around Stalingrad.

This looked like it would be a hard game, the enemy had two strelkovy companies, 19 teams in each, a small unit of pioneers armed with sharp sticks and swearing, an 8 gun artillery battery and two units of 9 T-26 light tanks, one of which started in reserve.

This was a lot of bodies, but the T-26 were my main concern, followed closely by the artillery which was dangerous in bombardment but manageable, but lethal in direct fire.

Deployment was thus, with 2. Panzer to the right and the hated enemy to the left.


The Soviets deployed their artillery and one infantry blob to one end, the rest at the other with the armour towards the centre, the second T-26 unit in ambush, starting dug in they politely waited for the attack to begin.

We went with just the Panzer IIC facing the guns, more to stop the infantry there just upping sticks than a serious attempt at attacking, I hoped they could make it to concealment then hide for a while being very hard to see and hit.

The rest went to the other end with some scout cars facing the armour, the aim being to lift GtG from them if they didn’t fire.

The far deployment of 2. Panzer was thus.


The plan, such as it was, was to storm the ruined castle, using its walls to block the enemy artillery from interfering and forcing the enemy armour to bunch up and hopefully trip over its own tracks.

We faced a Strelk blob with the unarmed pioneers lurking behind them, fully expecting the second T-26 ambush to arrive here.

Turn One, starting out nicely

The first turn saw a bit of general advancing, and the first showing of the Luftwaffe…


Who managed to take down three T-26 and bail a 4th, I was hoping they could repeat this later and ideally cause that company to break & run, but would settle for whittling them down for now. Otherwise our fire was utterly ineffective.

The enemy as expected dropped their ambush quickly, before the 8-Rad could screen the rear of the castle, here shown deploying with the first five on table lining up to block outflanking round the ruins.


Sadly the enemy first turn saw one of the Pz-38(t) units removed, two dead and one surviour, taking about a third of my firepower with them.


It also saw in the centre the removal of one of the 8-Rad patrols


Thus we ended the first turn already down nearly wo platoons and thus looking at best at a 4:3 victory, which seems somewhat unlikely.

Turn two saw a push towards the ruins, but a cautious one, movement to limit the number of T-26 able to fire, trying to draw them out and avoiding getting too close as the Luftwaffe were diverted to deal with the cluster causing the problem.


We got a couple of them, but no where near enough, the CiC was also removed along with the remaining surviour of the 1st panzer platoon, the second platoon taking casualties as well with the remains armoured cars redeploying to at least be able to fight back.

The next turn saw a change in focus, we were now aiming as a priority to kill enemy platoons to level the score, an actual victory being unlikely as we lacked the force to punch through the enemy infantry.


We moved up and deployed the troops to assault, being delayed a turn through failing to unpin after a wandering artillery round found them, more panzer casualties in the centre removing us as an armoured force with the Pz-IIC being mauled on the other side - however we did break the central enemy armoured company for a kill.

The assault on the enemy troops was launched after the pioneers withdrew as per the scenario rules, sadly the attack did little and the enemy just pulled back ending the combat.

The end of the following turn saw the situation thus:


The remains of 2. Panzer shattered, reduced to one armoured car and a few stands of infantry only kept on the board by the survival of a single light panzer on the other side of the table. The light guns being unable to penetrate the armour 1 of the enemy tanks to any effect.

The game ended shortly after with the destruction of the final light panzer and armoured car causing the panzers to break.

5:2 to the enemy, thanks to managing to at least kill a single enemy unit, even if we didn’t run a second even close to breaking.

Conscript T-26 may be easy to kill on paper, but you have to hit them first…

Not an amazing start to the day, or for the first outing of the Pz-38(t) list.

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:14 pm
by leopard
Game two

In which Bolokov is consigned to the lush green fields that Finland is so well known for and some Finns feel somewhat out of place.

The second game saw Bolokov’s Strelkovy defending in Free for All against a Finn infantry list, two units of infantry, a third unit of the Sissi infantry, some artillery, machine guns, light anti tank guns, medium mortars, all round a pretty decent well rounded list.

This was the first chance to try the march column method, which is under test for Mid War events later in the year, so decided to stick with it as a plan.

Deployment was thus, on the left hand side of the board we have the main Strelk unit, flanked by the infantry and anti tank guns, with the heavy mortars to the centre.


To the right we have the smaller Strelk unit with the AA MG dismounted behind the hill.

The plan was to advance the troops, each leaving 8-10 teams behind on the objectives to cover the Sissi pulling evil tricks with the guns and mortars helping the larger force advance.

My opponent had deployed to attack, as was expecting me to be reasonably defensive…

Turn one went to the Finns first having won the dice off, the advance their artillery to get into close direct fire range of what they saw as an ideal artillery target, some T-26 moving to help while one of his infantry units captured a wood, bringing them interestingly close to my main formation, we advanced everything as shown below, taking great care not to measure the distance to the infantry.


On the right we advanced the second column, its assigned role as its without support is to advance, look scary and pin the enemy in place tactically while the main formation attacks, but with a back up role of attacking if able to do so. As you can see below the objective was very inviting


First turn shooting saw half the Finn artillery removed by the infantry guns, his movement allowing them to move to within range of two, which they promptly killed, other fire from either side not really doing anything significant.

Turn two started with the enemy advancing more


I’m not totally sure what they were trying to do at this point, but wasn’t complaining, the infantry moved even closer to mine, nicely within assault range in fact - I don’t think he saw that as a serious threat on the right, his force being Fearless Veterans in the main and the infantry having a few rules to help up close. On the right they advanced to capture the ruins and take up a defensive position against the smaller force they correctly identified as unable to really take ground from them.

Our second turn began..


Naturally we moved to assault the wood, a pair of flame thrower teams doing their dirty work and taking my opponent by surprise somewhat, assaulting the abandoned positions saw a counter attack which was quickly repulsed, following which the Finns withdrew somewhat allowing Societ control of the avenues to advance further and causing some concern.

On the left


The second unit advanced, in theory it was in assault range at the start but with so few teams and facing a lot of defensive fire we decided not to and just advanced, firing a few shots and now dropping 120mm mortar rounds to thin them out.

The above shows the position after the enemy 2nd turn, they counter attacked back into the wood, killed most of the Soviets then fell back, also falling back from the ruins to prevent another assault.


Back on the right we had a problem develop, the Strelk refused to unpin, even with the CiC support, so the company commissar helped out, and was shot in a mutiny.. Which Early War leaves the unit leaderless. the CiC being at the rear with the static portion. This immobilised the lead elements, so they all elected to dig in and wait to see what developed.

Back on the right

Enemy forces continued firing on the advancing troops, but the Trained rating and concealing terrain meant they survived, we also whittled down some more teams with the mortars and the little ATG did ok at pushing the enemy back out of sight and fire arc of them.

I was somewhat concerned at this point, the main assault had stalled, and didn’t really have an answer for the T-26 any more, nor the numbers to assault even had they been able to - however my opponent was still worried by them, so the attack focus switched to the right hand side of the table.

My opponent had other ideas.

In an attempt at a bit of tidying up they assaulted the Strelk force, however the Soviets prevailed, and using the consolidation move re-occupied the wood, unable to move further

On the right


The time had come, the reduced force pushed forwards to assault range, there was still enough enemy firepower here to bounce them easily, so something had to be done.

The mortars helped a bit but critical was the two flame throwers


As you can see a round of shooting cleared the remaining enemy infantry, light anti tank gun, 45mm gun and a flak gun from that enclosed field, this had me hopeful of a possible advance here, though expecting the Sissi to drop in the wood to the rear, we would consider them when it happened.

My opponent was now at half strength, with both his infantry units removed along with most of the more mobile support - though he still had the T-26 they were cautious of advancing without supporting infantry.

We assaulted the abandoned positioned to capture the field, and take up a defensive position contesting the objective.

then the expected occurred.


The Sissi dropped into the wood, they cannot assault the turn they arrive but they can shoot, we figured we had a turn to weaken them with the mortars, if that worked we had the won, of not there remained work to do and not much to do it with.

There is a bit of a gap here as some pictures blurred.

However we ended up thus:


To the left the Strelk were shot up by the T-26, the static element advancing to replace them with the remaining 45mm gun moving into place - we killed one T-26 with a pioneer in assault and shot another, leaving three of them. to the Left the mortars missed so the Sissi advanced and removed the rest of the Strelk - leaving a small contingent on the objective to my rear, but leaderless so fixed as a defensive force. Finns advancing using cautious movement to be virtually impossible to hit, though we did manage to thin them out a bit but they didn’t break.

What you can see is all the Finns had left, the only Soviets not shown are six stands on the right hand objective, the undamaged mortars and three flak guns behind the hill, still.

On the right the T-26 advanced, figuring if they took out that surviving 45mm ATG they had that objective in their sights.


I love volley fire, all T-26 dead and burning, the mortars removed the rest of his artillery, exposing their objective to what was left of my infantry.

To the left


Here you see the remains of my infantry holding the other objective as the Sissi approach, what you can;t see due to the klutz taking the picture missing them is the flak guns have moved behind the hill to face the objective - we would have a round of shooting with them before the Sissi could assault, plus the heavy mortars, we hoped it was enough.

In the end it wasn’t needed, the Finns broke at the start of their turn, with both forces utterly shattered this was a hard fought game, only being Fearless kept us in this fight.

4:3 victory, not amazing, but given the nature of the game I was very relieved with it, a highly enjoyable game and probably the closest I have ever fought.

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:50 pm
by leopard
Game 3

In which Bolokov develops a taste for Sushi

MY first ever game against Imperial Japan, Oh I’ve read the rules, and understand the mentality of the culture reasonably well, even speak a few words of the language, but never actually played them.

I went into this knowing they tend to be hard to stop, unable to take a hint on when its time to quit and generally need killing to make the point.

Enemy forces were small, as fearless veterans with a range of assault rules tend to be, two infantry platoons, a small field gun platoon, a small anti tank gun platoon and two small units of tanks, well I say tanks, these make my panzer II look well armoured.

The mission was Caldron, the enemy attacking at night. Of our force we had three in reserve, the mortars (since what are they going to do at night?) the flak guns (ditto) and the small regimental guns for pretty much the same reason. We deployed all the infantry and put the 45mm guns in ambush.

The enemy rolled to put two platoons in one corner and the third as a free choice which joined them, it looked liked the whole game could well take place in a 3’x2’ area.

I had designed on reducing that even further.


Since we deployed first we put a Strelk unit facing each way, random chance faced the Japanese against the larger force, but in truth they could easily redeploy in the cover of darkness.

Turn one.

Being the defender we got first turn, and decided the best way to handle the Japanese was unsophisticated violence, delivered quickly. With no objectives to capture the march column wasn’t needed.

To a raised enemy eyebrow wondering what on earth this mad Russian was doing, we undue everyone and advanced, what you see below is the result of turn one


The idea was to envelope the Japanese, ideally before reinforcements arrived and cut the infantry down to size in assault.

A night attack made actually hitting them virtually impossible, so we decided not to bother - of course they would be very hard to hit anyway for the riflemen, so actually the darkness helped a lot more than it hindered.

The enemy started their turn


He said and played as if he thought my goal was to advance then fall back trading ground for time to slow his advance while my artillery turned up and day broke, as such he had no trouble advancing, and making it clear he was 9.5” away, within assault range, but only for a portion of the Soviet forces - but that if we did nothing they could assault next turn - incentive to fall back.

Shooting in the blind darkness did nothing, as expected.

The maelstrom below is after they finished moving and part way through my second turn.


The Japanese had advanced into the farm and courtyard, thus creating a wonderful bottleneck which would seriously limit defensive fire.

So with a very quite muttering to myself of


the main Strelk force advanced, though with a degree of caution, we threw forwards 16 teams, including a flame thrower - which succeeded in pinning the enemy and removing two teams, we then assaulted the somewhat surprised Japanese forces - trying to engage just one platoon but allowing a few of the second to draw it - but not allowing the first three tanks or the rest of his forces defensive fire.

The image shows the results after our attack.

Of course they Japanese counterattacked and as expected pushed us out of the farm, the whirlwind removed 14 Soviet teams and 12 Japanese, the difference being we could afford that, they couldn’t - nothing broke, indeed nothing was below half, but one was very close and the other weakened. The IJA now also suitably cautious of the somewhat foaming at the mouth Soviets.

They advanced with a bit of caution, aiming to get within assault range, to do to use what we had just done to them, before we did it back.


A small Japanese force of the crippled platoon heading for the building to the bottom of the picture while the rest moved against the previously unengaged elements to the top, all still in utter darkness.

He also brought up the second tank unit, which arrived like clockwork on his second turn, to have a line thus, ready to assault


What the pictures don’t show is the centre of the table, with about 2/3 of the second Strelk unit moving up, thus freeing the entire first unit for combat duties while the second took over the defence of the objectives.

My opponent also saw this and realised they had to trigger one of the wildest assaults I;ve ever seen, four Japanese platoon, two infantry and two armoured against a single Strelk unit, that even though it had taken heavy casualties still out numbered them.

In they went, firstly his infantry to the top of the picture, which did a fair bit of damage but was wiped out in the process, yes they are veterans, and yes they kill on a 3+ (2+ some of them), but when so out numbered there are survivors who hit back, and did so, and being actually trained they held the weapons by the right end.

In went the first armoured unit, which also did some damage, but was also wiped out - IJA tanks can fight when bailed… there was only three of them, it didn’t matter, we got them.

With a manic glint in his eye and knowing he had to win this in went the second armoured unit


And out they surely went, the commander dead the other two failed a motivation and broke off, leaderless and reduced to static fire platforms really.

The Strelk nearly crippled by now, then in went the final IJA infantry, who were also wiped out, breaking after they killed the final member of that huge blob of Russians, who fought to the last man, taking on what amounted to the whole IJA army on the table, alone, and winning.


All the IJA had left by now was four gun teams, two leaderless tanks and a single banner commander CiC in the farmyard.

As the above shows in went the second Strelk, six teams on one enemy commander could be considered overkill but we wanted to make the point, as you can see our mortars had arrived and set up ready to fire, the second Strelk unit had lost a single team but was otherwise fine, There was no way in hell the IJA would be able to take them out, indeed I was expecting to wipe them out.


The next IJA turn started, the 6th turn all told, annnnnnd they were over 16” from the objectives so Bolokov won his second game there and then.

5:2, only one unit lost in a game that was not so much one sided as a single Soviet unit v the world, and winning. As Lee says, the Orc never really leaves you, Caudron is a game I have often won as a defender by attacking first, attacking harder and making it work against a somewhat surprised defender who expected to bombard for a few turns before going in once they had regrouped...

Some people hate it, I love it.

Not sure of the final position overnight but expect to be mid table, 2:5, 4:3 & 5:2, already better results than last year going into day 2.

Re: Rollcall 2016 - Flames of War

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:14 pm
by Baldie
Great results and great reports Dale, dump the Jerries "And then the world is your mollusc!"

Good luck tomorrow