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Northern League

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:22 pm
by Baldie
Fresh from a stunning series of defeats at the hands of various Lart opponents I have signed up for the first in a series of five tourneys.
Dark age/Early medieval so think I may have a crack with the arabs of some flavour.

No doubt another drubbing is on the cards but still good to see other armies and tactics.

Last one I went to they were a great bunch.

Re: Northern League

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:57 am
by leopard
really do need to find the box with my Normans in it and actually get the swines finished, probably not up to playing in events (yet) due to not really knowing the rules well enough, but happy to run some practice games.

some sort of arab force sounds interesting

Re: Northern League

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:06 pm
by Baldie
leopard wrote:really do need to find the box with my Normans in it and actually get the swines finished, probably not up to playing in events (yet) due to not really knowing the rules well enough, but happy to run some practice games.

some sort of arab force sounds interesting

It will be an Arab force made up from stuff I already have rather than a force I want, as is the Tourney way.
Appreciate some practice scraps.