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Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:17 pm

More slaughter tomorrow.

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:20 pm

Very much so, wondering on a few changes for next year, for the Soviets to bring in a Storm Group but still run as four units, just have three infantry, one of the then vicious and a small gun platoon to hide somewhere out of sight.

Germans thinking two options, one is to go for an SS armoured force built around 8x Panzer IVG with side skirts, i.e. actual assault capable units with decent front armour and the motivation to stick about (means dropping tigger though) the other being to say sod it, and go back to Grenadiers loaded for bear (three platoons & a 4th pioneer unit, so two pioneer lots in total, then a lot of guns).

Plenty of time to have a think really though.

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:48 am

Not seen many Storm groups, was talking to Chris about facing MW German lists yesterday and said he was better to do it with infantry rather than shermans.
Don't know how well Brits can kit out though.

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:46 pm

Day Two!

I went into day 2 in 6th place, well joint 6th, along with everyone below 5th… 1 win and two defeats, day two needed to restore some faith and position here.

Into game four, sit back, this is a good one…

Game Four
2. Panzer under Haans takes on a Mixed Tankovy in Dust Up.

My opponent fields an oddball list, pictured below post recce moves (hence the pair of 8-rads lurking to the lower left)


8x BM-13 Katyusha, a heavy tank platoon with 3x KV-1 and 2x KV-2 and 10x Matilda II. In reserve a platoon of tank escort infantry on foot, three armoured cars with AA MG and 10x T-70 light tanks.

Apparently loaded to fight infantry, but Haans was somewhat concerned, the Matilda II is essentially immune to the attentions of the Pz-IIIG so the lighter armour wasn’t overly useful.

Hans deployed thus:


A tiger in an advanced position, the enemy had commented on how he thought it would be a very one sided game as he had little that could hurt a tiger, Haans intended to make this as one sided as possible..

Behind a platoon of three Pz-IIIG (the other two with the 2iC in reserve) and the CiC covered the objectives.

“da plan” was essentially to let tigger go and play and hopefully keep the enemy in their part of the table, murder his reserves as they arrived [u]then[/i] go on the offensive.

The stage was set.

Turn One

My Scout cars doubled to cross the table, lovely things roads, moving behind the houses, intending to pick on the BM-13 which could irritate tanks and are at least easy to kill, Tigger moved up as well, more slowly, and killed a BM-13 with his cannon.

Soviet response saw a KV-1 lining up on the scouts and the others moving to stay close enough, but trying to avoid a wandering tiger eye.



Turn Two

Tigger moved up a bit more and fired at the KV-1, bailing it but sadly not killing it (failed firepower roll), the Scout cars got a pair of BM-13, the KV moved up a bit to get a few more shots.


He apparently contemplated pulled the artillery back, they are after all somewhat mobile but the two trapped by a wall changed his mind.

In then end the KV-1 stayed bailed, the remainder pulling back to avoid the same fate, very timid these Russians.


Turn Three

Tigers eye view at the start of the turn


Scout cars lurking in the shadows.

The turn ended thus:


Platoon of T-70 arrived, unable to do much though while moving, the KV-1 nailed one of the 8-rads, Tigger moving up and failing to nail the KV-1.

Pictures showing only a limited part of the board as nothing was happening anywhere else, this was soon to change as we had both left a platoon to guard against reserves.

Turn Four

Tigger advanced, lurking behind the church (yellow marker to the centre)


The dead scout car to the right (the other yellow marker) was left well alone as the survivor pulled back, keen to avoid an easy platoon kill to that T-70 horde.

We now had an objective, though contested by the heavy Soviet tanks, Tigger enjoyed himself removing two more BM-13, causing a morale check.

To the left my panzer IIIG started to move to get shots at the T-170, on the move we killed two, reasonably impressive, the lurking scout car can be seen in the centre


The CiC had also moved his Pz-IVG, and while the range was extreme finished off another T-70



The Soviet turn saw a reaction to my reserves which had been quietly moving up, Pz-IVF2 leading with Pz-IIIG to the rear. Moving to minimise incoming fire they didn’t manage all that much but were moving into a useful position.

Finally the Matilda II horde started to rumble and the Soviet heavies moved, aiming for a flank shot at the tiger and to face the approaching medium armour.


The T-70 moved to try and avoid the Pz-IIIG


Thankfully their combined fire didn’t do anything of note.

Turn Five

With the Matilda approaching the Pz-IV moved to counter them, and get out of fire from the heavies, the Pz-III and flak tracks which couldn’t hurt anything anywhere near them moved to be out of sight.


Tigger contented himself with a turret rotation to maintain rate of fire.

On the flank the other Pz-IIIG also moved up, to face the recently arrived Soviet infantry, the aim being to tickle them before they could do much.


Weapons fire had an effect


One KV-2 up in flames, along with several of the Matilda


Removed just under half the infantry, better than expected, but cannons at full RoF and then MG fire put out a lot of dice into exposed troops.

The Soviet turn saw the heavies moving back, sadly he had spotted I was on the objective, now tigger faced four heavy tanks alone, though only two able to fire, the KV-2 unable to hit anything having moved. The Matilda continued to advance thankfully diluting their impressive weight of fire.


This turn also saw three armoured cars arrive, only MG armed so not able to hurt the panzers, for the life of me I have no idea why the deployed here


and then didn’t move

They could have been on an objective, ok I could move to contest easily enough, but I wasn’t complaining.

the T-70 fired to no effect and once again Tigger survived along with the medium panzers.

Turn Six

No way I was letting those scout cars live, turrets rotated and nine shots saw them with two dead, the third ran off


That was two platoon kills, and a potential flanking move countered

Back in the centre


Tigger nailed a KV-1, the Pz-IV nailed a few more Matilda and the Pz-III moved to get behind them, or at least give them pause for thought, I was hoping paranoia would get the better of statistics here, all the Pz-III really had for Matilda II was harsh language, possible bails only from the rear was a long shot at best.

Soviets moved again


Nailing one of the Pz-IV with a lucky KV-1 shot on the move they left the KV-2 contesting the objective, the Matilda pulled back to regroup, paranoia having won that little duel.

To the left


The long range tank duel continued, a Pz-III bailed out, interesting dual really, neither of us have good guns, my armour is fractionally better and a higher rate of fire, but out numbered, I dare not get to close range, it was only the ‘6’ to hit that kept us alive.

Turn Seven


My Pz-III continued with the flanking move, the flak half tracks starting to head to defend my home objectives, surviving Pz-IV tried a shot in the dark, which failed, but was worth a try. Tigger bailed the KV-2 when he fired, again a failed firepower roll.

To the left


My CiC started to advance, Tigger alone couldn’t last, slowed by terrain we didn’t get too far, the gunnery duel continued, with bailed tanks only.

The Soviets started thus:


Heavy tank platoon teetering on the brink, but not yet testing, my opponent painfully aware of what that would mean for the game. Looking back I should have been pummelling those Matilda in the rear to much greater effect.. ho hum.

The left started thus:


Bailed out T-70 (under the white smoke marker) and my CiC having taken advantage of the Storm Trooper move to advance slightly.

They moved up the infantry, unable to do damage in assault, the PTRD they had not being able to assault but scary if I went for them, the heavies came back to help secure that objective.


Matilda moved to pick on the Pz-IV, bailing one of them


Turn Eight

The end of my turn saw the situation thus in the centre


One more dead Matilda, and a bailed KV-1, though they passed the morale check

The the Soviets had a turn…


In one turn the game pivoted, the Pz-IV were wiped out and tigger was bailed, then captured by his infantry, at a stroke everything I had that could hurt those heavy tanks was gone, my CiC was surrounded by T-70, the game now depended on some Pz-IIIG who couldn’t hurt the surviving Soviet armour bar a few light tanks, a single scout car and a pair of AA half tracks…

Turn nine

At this point we were both down two platoons, so this was a 3:4 or 4:3, really just playing for honour now with little to actually lose we pressed on.


The flak halftracks and Pz-IIIG moved to attack, utterly unable to hurt anything but the plan was simple, distraction, not so much playing for time but playing to a very long shot.

If I could get the Matilda away from the objective, and the KV-1 had to move to try and capture one of mine just perhaps I could flush that infantry with my CiC, if he survived…


Sadly surrounded by Soviet armour my CiC had a problem


Solved, in part through luck and guile, remaining stationary he killed one T-70 and bailed another, then reversed with the storm trooper move. His front armour 6, being a Pz-IVG meant those T-70 would struggle from the front, so I hoped to keep them moving for flank shots and use Hens & Chicks to deny them many hits..

We ended on the right flank thus


Playing a very dangerous game of chicken, banking on the Soviets being unable to hit…

Soviet Turn..

The T-70 remounted, on a 3+ that was never really failing, but they had to move to get shots


Thankfully the Matilda horde also moved


meaning ‘6’ to hit, and a single shot each

No effect…

Turn Ten

CiC pulled back, hindered by a fence slowing him down, bailed another T-70, they still passed the morale checks


The Pz-III pulled back, I wanted to keep the Soviets moving


I was only getting away with this as the Soviets were timid in the extreme

I also moved up on the left to form what looked like a defensive line, but had a little more going for it, really aimed at stopping the T-70 getting any fancy ideas about objectives, which thankfully they seemed to have forgotten all about.


The Soviets moved.. and Trouble


The sole surviving heavy tank was on the prowl, tanking care to stay so my CiC couldn’t see it, again paranoia, the Pz-IVG is nice but not that nice against a heavy.

T-70 shuffled to again get a flank shot

Out to the right


One Pz-III fell, the others having storm troopers back further for a bit of cover.

Starting to look desperate, I needed to do something in the three or four turns before that KV got to the objectives.

A thought occurred..

It would get there, I after all couldn’t really stop it, but it still had to actually kill my halftracks and scout car.. who could dance a while, I had a little more time, but not much, and it depended on keeping those Matilda where they were, the Panzer IIIG would need to dance a little longer in the jaws of death.

Turn Eleven

I ended thus:


my Cic where the yellow marker is, deciding he had had enough of playing tag with the T-70, moved up and killed the one he could see, my gun line going to ground so as to be impossible to hit at range, or for a moving KV up close.

Stormtrooper move saw the CiC lining up on the infantry, such that only the PTRD team was in sight. around the blazing tiger wreak.


To the right, just to be annoying the Pz-III went to ground also


Again simply to make a ‘6’ needed to hit them

Turn Twelve

Panzers, having survived pulled back a bit further, to again be at long range, so still a six to hit, but to tempt the Soviets to move once more.



The flak halftracks also moving

To the centre a bit more effort was needed ,with the T-70 now dead the other Pz-III threw caution to the wind and entered the swamp, as the CiC moved to the infantry it was obvious he couldn’t do that alone.. could they get there before that KV-1 got to my objectives? A gamble, but a worthwhile one with nothing to lose really.


The Soviets moved up the Matilda, the KV continued rumbling towards the road behind the wood to the bottom, making damn sure no long range CiC panzer would gate a rear shot..

Turn Thirteen


On the right we went back to ground, there being no space left to run really

To the left my flak guns could see what was coming


Some wee came out, fortunately a river was nearby, the flow increased a small but noticeable amount.

They went to ground, the Soviets in their turn advanced


Thankfully unable to hit…

Turn fourteen

The panzers, now clear of the wood advanced to help the CiC


My scout car moved down to also contest, the Soviets jumped the hedge, but thankfully even though now able to hit they missed..


It was do or die at this point..

Panzers piled forwards to assault range, and in they all went, fingers and everything else crossed..


It worked, the infantry was gone, the gun team survived, but failed morale and fled,

To the left my scout car pulled back, not wanting to be another kill, which would force a morale check, which was now the Soviets only hope, the half tracks tried to get some cover.. tried


Soviet marksmanship however again came to my rescue..

2. Panzer won the top of turn sixteen… 4:3, very close.

This has to have been one of the most intense, yet fast flowing games I’ve ever played pivoted a few times, but for once, the plan worked..

The first tournament victory for 2. Panzer mid war…

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:35 pm

Good old scrap

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:37 pm

Game Five

2. Panzer takes on some US Airborne in Surrounded.

Was a dice off to see who used what, given the mission I was actually happen using Armour here, The alternative was probably trying to winkle out a skilled Grenadier list I’ve faced before which is horrible.

My opponent deployed thus, heavy mortars in immediate ambush


Lots of American Fearless Veteran infantry, but thankfully mostly tank assault:2.

Immediately I decided the lower objective was the one to go for, partly tactically, there was no way I could chew threw everything round the other and partly pure ‘gamer’, the lower one was physically easier to reach… Thus the plan was born.

Send tiger to the far side of the board, basically to keep that which was up there in place and generally amuse himself, then pincer the two infantry to the bottom of the picture and try to punch through one side or the other..

Deployment to the right


Panzer IV, CiC and flak half tracks (to try and help pin infantry)

To the left


Tigger gaining the recovery track, just in case the stream proved difficult, then to the bottom the six panzer III and the scout cars, to act as eyes and ears to make the enemy easier to hit, this was the main assault force as with six hulls they had the size to at least try.

let battle commence…

Turn One

To the left everyone advanced


same on the right


Weapons fire did nothing, didn’t expect it to while moving up, but now at close range, but outside bazooka range

The American turn..


Disgusting tank destroyers….

Managed one bail…. Karma, it bites hard.

Turn Two

Tigger advances


aiming to pick on the enemy mortars, a small and hopefully easy to kill platoon, they have ten so I needed at least three kills here just in case..

on the right


Half tracks moved up to pick on the tank destroyers, or at least help the panzers do so, between one panzer and the tracks we killed one of them.

to the left


Even with eyes & ears we didn’t do much, he passed most saves and the few he missed with fluffed the firepower rolls.

It was immediately obvious doing this at range just wasn’t going to work.

Tigger goes in..


And highlights the weakness of a tiger as an assault unit, they can kill at best one enemy team, which he did, the enemy failing to counter so breaking off.

American return fire


One very lucky bailed out half track…


One slightly less lucky panzer III, the American heavy mortars finding their mark quickly

Turn Three

on the right we held position, pausing to deal with the TD platoon


The panzer nailed the TD track, the flak guns taking no chances nailed the command jeep, one platoon dead, and his only real ‘anti tank’ firepower beyond artillery gone.


Tigger goes back in, having failed to hit anything


And goes right back out again, failing motivation to counter having achieved nothing for his efforts.

Ranged fire on the infantry managing to kill one LMG team (wow), with the TD dead the assaults could begin next turn though

American return fire


Another dead panzer III, another reason for going in next turn…

General locations mid table


Tigger needed to keep all of that in place.

[b]Turn Four

We move into position..


On the right


Assault bounced by the Bazooka… Got of lightly really

To the left however


In and a good few teams killed, the enemy fell back failing motivation

The American counter wasn’t what I expected, its what I hoped for though..


Smoke city.. both tank platoons obscured, which helped avoid his bazooka fire at least.


The left hand platoon went in, took a lot of hits but only one kill and bounced ,the kill being a bazooka usefully. they then all ran off.

Right hand assault wasn’t launched following this failure.

Turn five

Tigger gets cocky


Risky but I needed this lot trying to kill him, also allowed him to pick off some more heavy mortars

To the lower part of the table


the Panzer III moved clear of the smoke into assault position again

Americans countered by surrounding poor Tigger


Who really was so far out of his depth it wasn’t funny… The American plan being essentially to force a motivation test to counter, with a 50% chance of failing and being unable to break off thus captured.

Classic way to handle heavy tanks with TA:2 infantry.

To the south the infantry readied for an assault


Still under smoke again


They went in, killed a panzer, lost half their number to the counter, then failed motivation so the panzers pulled back.


Yes, quite…

Turn six

panzer III assaulted again, chasing his infantry back for two bails in the assault.

He never unpinned and the armoured cars you see in the wood bogged. on his turn.

German win top of turn seven, 4:3

Close, had that infantry unpinned even to contest if not assault he had plenty more a turn away.

Another close one, but the second win for the panzers

Tournament End

Not totally sure where I ended up, three wins, 5:3, 4:3, 4:3 and two defeats 1:6, 1:6 I think puts me about 6th from 8, so worse than I was hoping really.

But a highly enjoyable weekend, utterly shattered but seem to have found a way to make the panzers work, sort of, just need to refine it..

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:56 am

Final results up, came 6th from eight, was hoping for 4th so somewhat a disappointment, however picked up a fair bit of knowledge so bit more hopeful for next year, plus when Mid War kicks off properly up there should be able to sharpen the knives a bit further

Re: Challenge 2016, 18th & 19th June 2016

Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:20 pm

Still ok in my book I have been slaughtered in nearly all the FOW events I have played.
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